Saturday, September 12, 2009

Busy but loving life

I feel on top of the world at the moment; yet, my world is so hectic! I am so happy that I am following the Weight Watchers plan though because I think the principles of planning and making good choices is spreading to all areas of my life. I am just really happy at the moment and I'm gradually getting slimmer. YAY! I've also found that by throwing myself into my passions at work, it is making me heaps tired but I am getting so many rewards...better connections with other people and feeling like I am making a difference in the World (well my little part of it anyway).

In the past I have felt frustrated that I am losing weight so slowly compared to other people that I read about. However, I read an article recently that suggested that within 6 months, you should be losing no more than 10Kg to remain healthy. For some reason, I have seemed to just focus on trying to lose a whopping 30Kg in a year...just not possible for me and I don't think is healthy for many people. So, if I look at my year so far, just over 8 months have passed and I have lost 6.2 Kg. So I am under the 10Kg in 6 months BUT I have lost 6Kg in 8 months and I haven't been following the plan properly all year so I am pretty stoked. Now that I am less focused on losing 30Kg by the end of the year (which is impossible!) I seem to be making healthier choices easier. Putting less pressure on myself is making helping me to actually lose the weight. I haven't been really thinking about getting to that 68Kg goal. Instead I've been thinking "Awesome, I haven't been 95.4 Kg for ages...I don't feel like having dessert so why would I just because it is habit...I wonder how much weight I will shift this week...won't it be great to see a 94...something number on the scales next week!"

I am so much in achievement mode at the moment...Today I'm going to...

Do 1 hour of cleaning (8.30 - 9.30)
Do 2 hours of marking (9.30 - 11.30)
Go get the car tires checked out and get a gift & have a healthy lunch! (11.30 - 12.30)
Do 1 hour of cleaning (12.30 - 1.30)
Do 2 hours of marking (1.30 - 3.30)
Go for a walk (3.30 - 4.30)
Do 1 hour of cleaning (4.30 - 5.30)
Get dinner organised (5.30 - 6.30)
Go pick up the lovely one (6.30 - 7.30)
Enjoy dinner (7.30 - 8.30)
Do 2 hours of marking (8.30 - 10.30)
1 hour of ironing (10.30 - 11.30)

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