Friday, July 10, 2009

So much enthusiasm...wish I could bottle it...can't so am blogging it!

I have so much motivation right now. I know that this will wain in the weeks or even days to come so I am going to blog my motivating thoughts right now so that I can read back over them when that time comes. I also have so much that I want to tap out on here to get out of my head - lot's of it useless natter - but I know that when I get back to work I won't get as much time to blog so I am going to type till my heart's content today. Hence, I am putting today's entry under headings.

What's giving me the drive to stay on track right now?

* I know that I can't keep getting bigger.
* I know that by eating less, making healthier choices, drinking lots more water and exercising more will have to shift some weight off my body and will make me healthier.
* I can't bear to keep adding an extra 10Kg to my body each few years.
* I need to give my body and my husband the opportunity to have a healthy baby.

Something that I read today that triggers the brain...

What goes up must come down. :) :) :) My weight has shot up but it is going to go down!

Breaking that dreaded afternoon snack attack habit.

I, like many people, have difficulty not falling into a binge session about 3-ish to 5-ish in the afternoon. I found myself on the way home today thinking about how lovely it would be to relax in front of the telly with some salty biscuits or even some pods this afternoon. I was looking forward to the taste and the filling power of those foods that I have so often allowed myself to hog into. I have just decided though that I think it is momre of a habit though to eat in this way. Instead, I want to think about what I am going to have for dinner and get excited about that. To fill me up until dinner, I am going to have some fruit - got some beautiful strawberries today. Instead of putting so much brain power into thinking how delightful that salty pieces of "cardboard" or sugary pieces of "cardboard" are, I am going to think about how delightful dinner will be. I am going to see how this will work for me in the coming weeks. Not sure what I am going to cook for dinner yet though.

I love it that my arms are sore - exercise is awesome.

I am loving feeling the pain from my weights session last night. I'm so glad we are back into the swing of our gym sessions. We may miss our intense cardio session which we should be doing tonight as T is working until late. I am going to go for my favourite walk this afternoon and drop the DVD back on the way. I also want to do my two 10 minute intense workout DVDs this afternoon too. I was going to wait until T gets home to do the DVDs together but in case he is too tired to do them when he gets home, I am going to try and fit them in before I have to pick him up. If he decides he wants to do the exercise DVDs when he gets home, well that can just be a bonus for me and I can do them again.

Can't wait to reward myself.

I have written many lists in the past about what my rewars will be when I get to certain points along the way on my weight loss path. However, I think I have "Weight-Loss Reward ADHD" because I keep changing my mind as to wait I want and I don't really respond well to working hard to get a certain number on the scales. Instead, I think I need to reward my better habits instead of numbers on the scales. I was at the shops today and thought I would buy a new outfit for work but I decided I have lots of lovely things to wear at the moment and I need to do something before I spoil myself. I have decided to write a Good Girl Gift List - where I am just going to focus on some immediate achievements that I am capable of making.

Good Girl Gift List

* Balancing weekly points for one week
* Drinking 2L of water every day for one week
* No take-aways/food out for 3 weeks
* Eating homemade lunch every day at work for 2 weeks
* Sticking to our gym sessions for 5 weeks up till our Darwin holiday

Gift Selections
* DVD hire - my pick
* New CD
* Cook a batch of paddy cakes - make sure that I share them!
* Magazine
* Lotto ticket
* Hair Straightner
* $200 shopping

Planned progress

I can't make massive changes over night. I plan to improve my lifestyle gradually in the following ways. Once I have achieved one level, I can progress to the next challenge.

  • Balance points for 1 week
  • --> Balance points for 1 week + ensure enough dairy is included
  • --> Balance points for 1 week + ensure enough dairy is included + ensure enough veges are included
  • --> Balance points for 1 week + ensure enough dairy is included + ensure enough veges are included + ensure enough fruit is included
  • --> Balance points for 1 week + ensure enough dairy is included + ensure enough veges are included + ensure enough fruit is included + review times of day that meals are consumed

  • Drink 2L of water each day for 1 week
  • --> Drink 2L or water each day for 1 week + substitute half of coffees with tea and no sugar
  • --> Drink 2L or water each day for 1 week + substitute half of coffees with tea and no sugar + cut sugar from coffees
Enjoying Life

I have been more focused in the last week on getting the most out of each day and finding enjoyment in life's pleasures. In the rest of my Weight Watchers week this week, I am looking forward to:
Tomorrow: Walking on the beach and getting the sand between my toes.
Sunday: Dancing with the Stars - my favourite show
Monday: Getting to walk and catch the bus to work and wear jeans because there are no students
Tuesday: Seeing my students and giving them their results back

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