Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's amazing what I am getting pleasure out of now

When I think back over my day, I look back most fondly on my session at the gym today. I never thought I would say that but I enjoyed pushing myself and the energy that it has given me since. I had the opportunity to get a chocolate bar on the way home tonight from dropping T at work but I drove straight past the shop - a big achievement for me! A good attempt at trying to break the habit...pat, pat, pat on the back :). I thought about it a lot on my 20 minute journey but I didn't give in and buy something that I don't need. When I got home, I also vacuumed, tidied the kitchen and tidied the laundry - I am amazed at how much pleasure that I got from getting these chores done instead of pigging-out on chocolate on the couch.

I have a lot of preparation to do before school tomorrow but after pushing myself through my gym session, I feel that a lot of things are achievable for me - I just have to put my mind to it.

Today T got on the scales and found that he has lost weight since last Wednesday. He hasn't been as committed as me to losing weight recently but he has started to pick up his act now. He put me to a challenge that whoever looses the most percentage each Wednesday has to do the washing up for the week. That is an awesome incentive for me because I tend to do most of the cleaning etc so I am keen to win to let him take that off my back. Even more reason to not give in to chocolate bars just because they are a bit of a habit.

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