Thursday, July 2, 2009

One of those days of nothingness

I wasted today. I have spent the whole day hiding from the things that I have to do. Yet, this just makes me feel crazy. I am on holidays so i guess it doesn't matter that I had a day of doing nothing and just lounging around the house but I did want to achieve some things today.

I am starting this blog and have gained a renewed focus of where I want to be and how I want to live my life - so I am glad I have at least done that today. I've never been a good blogger in the past. But, I want to have a blog that tracks my weight loss journey because I enjoy reading other people's weight loss blogs. I'm going to use this blog to keep track of what I am doing to lose weight. I am also going to use it as a tool to keep a record of things that I am learning about being healthy.

Yay I have a blog!

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