Thursday, July 9, 2009

And I thought I was a little bit psychic!

NOT SO :(! Hmmmmmm had a gain of 800grams and I thought I was doing so well!

It didn't get me down though because I wrote my list on weigh-in eve of my 3 goals I need to focus on this week.

Well, I've had two days at my focus list and I'd give myself a C+ so far. After weigh-in we ended up going to visit T's mum and went Ten Pin Bowling and saw Transformers. On the way hoe today, T and I saw Bruno. So, I have been having LOTS of fun! Taking that into account - I've blown out my points for the week but can catch them up as best as I can - at least I am tracking everything that goes into my mouth now. I haven't been drinking my goal of 2L of water each day but am getting close to it and am definitely drinking more than I normally do. When I choose the water over another type of drink, I think in my head of it as being an instant beauty treatment - for free!!! That has been making it a bit easier for me to get it down. I gave myself a D for my water intake though because so far, I am not reaching my goal of 2L a day. As far as variety of exercise, ten pin bowling (although not very strenuous) and an intense workout at the gym tonight have me very pleased with my progress on that factor - so I gave myself an A. As far as choosing coffee over treats, I have had a couple of treats with the movies being thrown into my last two days but I have been knocking back a number of treats so I have given myself a C for this factor. Overall, that makes up the C+.

I am so pleased we made the effort to go to the gym tonight. I think it is giving me the energy to type on here now even though I was tired - didn't get much sleep last night!

Tomorrow, I plan to go on my favourite walk. I am going to the movies again though (blush - movie pig here) with my sister and her kids - a happy day to come :). Then I have to fit in more marking, organising the house and planning for the new term. Off to iron now :)

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